Tag Archives: mobile app

Your Business Needs a Mobile App…Yesterday!

Most businesses reluctantly built a website. Then they limped into the social media pool. And at some point, they realized that they should have done it much sooner. Think of a mobile app as another channel to connect to your audience. What is unique is that a mobile app media channel is a channel that is free of the noise and clutter from the internet and social media. Think about it. If you use social media.
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Why a mobile app makes sense for fan engagement

If you have a public presence, either as a team, organization or individually, it makes sense to create a mobile app to engage your fans. Utilizing social media is a natural fit, but that media channel becomes clogged as your fans follow multiple people and sites. You know those little app icons on your device? That’s a one on one portal to your audience, unencumbered with mixed messages. They want to know what is going on.
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